This last private lesson, Reece taught us how to do "speed Boxing". That is on the punching bag that hangs down from a platform, and the professional boxers punch it repeatedly. Now I am NO professional but I was able to get "the rhythm" a couple of times. Maybe I will get a picture of that for you to see.
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Very exciting...TILE!!

Posted by Traci at 8:39 AM 1 Thoughts Shared

Adding the texture. This process went pretty fast, Dad puts his "mud" in the hopper and sprayed it on. We all ended up with a little texture on us too!!!

Posted by Traci at 8:29 AM 0 Thoughts Shared

Monday, February 18, 2008
Well this is Kick-boxing. We go two minute rounds with him. He will say a "command" and we will punch, kick or knee him the right combo. And like the title says these are NOT glamour shots by any means. But it gives you an idea of what I have been up to.

Posted by Traci at 8:23 AM 2 Thoughts Shared

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
On Friday I will have a private lesson. These are so much fun, we get to kick and punch Reese. He is very brave. I may try and get pictures, so you can see how brave he is. :)

Posted by Traci at 9:54 AM 1 Thoughts Shared

Starting to have Walls!
We are hoping to get the rest of the walls up this weekend. And then move on to tile! This should be a real test of our "family time"!!! My parents are already complaining about "sharing" the bathroom???!!

Posted by Traci at 9:51 AM 0 Thoughts Shared

Tuesday, February 5, 2008