Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Running new water lines.

Korey and Jesse helped for a few minutes, to find the main water line into the house. We found the main water line and ran it so we can shut it off in the house. We also have new water lines in the walls.

Thunder and Slinkey

Had to get a few pictures of Thunder and Slinkey. Thunder loves to lay at my feet so I can "love" on him.

new Potty location

This is how far the potty is moving.


I suppose I should let you all know that I do have walls. I didn't want you to think that I still had a lovely view from my potty. Actually I don't have a potty anymore either! This is where the potty and sink used to be.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Traci and Lauren

All of us

Ronnie & Traci, Korey & Lauren, Pone & Grandmama! Sunday dinner at Grandmama's!

Korey and Lauren

Here are some new pictures of Korey and Lauren.