Let's pray:
Father, you are the love of my life. The one true love that adores me even with all of my faults. I want to honor you. I want to bring glory to your name for your sake. If I have sinned, Father, I ask your forgiveness and I know that you are faithful and just to forgive me. I pray that as I read your word today that you would give me revelation intended for me to apply to my life to glorify you. I ask that you break any strongholds that may be attached to my thinking and make me new. I pray for a refreshing from your word. Open the eyes of my heart. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
This is the prayer from the Bible study. What a prayer!! HHmmm...think about the strongholds attached to my thinking!!! Wow what a though.
Questions to ponder: What is the one verse in Proverbs 31:11-28 that you would most like to accomplish? Who do you personally know that you would consider to be a true Proverbs 31 woman? Tell us about her
Again I go to the verse that says "her husband has full confidence in her". I desire that so much! I also want to look at it as God being my husband...does HE have full confidence in me?
More Posting later when I can re-read this study. If you would like to see the study check out In Pursuit of Proverbs 31.... by using the link on the sidebar
1 Thoughts Shared:
You are so on to the spiritual aspect of Proverbs 31! We are the bride of Christ and there is a parallel here. Great insight. I'd love to hear more!
Thanks so much for participating!
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