I love Fall! A sure sign of Fall in New Mexico is the smell of Green Chile roasting and Hot air Balloons in the sky!! This morning is the First day or our International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta, so lots of Balloons!! I like the cool weather and all of the changes, and this devotion goes right along with that feeling!
Women of Faith
Faith for a Lifetime
October 3
The Autumn of Life
To everything there is a season,
a time for every purpose under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Michigan really knows how to show off in autumn.
Our maples scream reds, golds
and oranges, not to mention the riotous mums
with their yellow and purples exploding throughout
the landscape. The black-eyed Susans squeal with
delight as pumpkins appear on porches.
Perhaps you like me are in the autumn of your
life. Spring now seems a millennium away, summer
has gone all too quickly, and suddenly like so many
fallen leaves swirling are your ankles, autumn is upon
you. The view from this season is quickly changing
like a yellow and crimson maple leaf. We can
shudder at the change or dance in the wind. Even
though my joints squeak now, I choose to pirouette
in my autumn, for winter is at the doorstep, and
my season to sit by the fire nears. So watch out
world---Patsy the swirling, twirling, joint aching
hot flashing, joy shouting, woman is on the loose!
Come join me!
Patsy Clairmont, WOF Association Letters
So shall we "Dance in the wind" today ladies! Hope this gave you a little giggle and a new look a life!!

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